General Help
Viewing Terms
This web site and underlying database support members of the Sylloge Nummorum Parthicorum team. In addition, it provides translations of
numismatic and database terms. The primary web site supporting the translation project is at
The Home, Translations of Numismatic Terms, Show Translations and Help are the only pages available to the general public. Additional
pages, menus and controls are available to authorized visitors who are permitted to edit and add terms.
After a period of inactivity, the application will automatically disconnect from the server. If you experience any difficulties, refresh the browser page.
Use a current browser
This application was designed using the most up-to-date web standards, so use a current browser. The site is optimized for the most recent versions of
Microsoft Internet Explorer, Firefox and Chrome, all available for free. Older or other browsers may not display all features properly. If you have any
problems, report them to Chris Hopkins.
Choose a language
Choose your language from the language selector box at the top right corner of any page. (Scroll to right if necessary to find it.)
When a language other than English is selected, an additional Translated? dropdown filter becomes available; choose Yes and it displays only
those terms that have been translated into the selected language from English. Choose No and it will display only untranslated terms in a
blue font.
Find a term
Use the search engine to locate any term. Search criteria are not case sensitive and are looked for in all the languages. After the term has been found, the
search/filter region of the page may be collapsed. Note the icon on the header bar:
Clicking on the icon will collapse the search/filter region, saving space thus permitting more of the table to be seen. Once clicked, the icon changes
(toggles) to become a icon which will expand the search/filter region to full view.
Show details
The default sort order of the table is based on the English column. You may re-sort the table by clicking on any language column heading. A term displayed
in blue font has not been translated.
For more information about a term, including its context or explanation, click on the magnifying
glass icon in the left margin of the row in which it appears.
Print search results
Click on the print icon at the top right corner of any page to print the items in the current filtered view.
Button bar
On the main Translations of Numismatic Terms page you will find a number of icons in the bar immediately above the table:
These icons perform the following functions:
Refresh the results in the currently selected filtered view
Reset the results to show all the items in the database (search terms and filters removed)
download a PDF file containing the items you have selected for the current filtered view
download a Word document containing the items you have selected for the current filtered view
download an Excel document containing the items you have selected for the current filtered view
Navigation controls
The following icons provide navigation of the table:
The VCR-style controls allow you to go immediately to the first or last page, or step page by page through the results.
The first text box provides direct navigation ("Go To") any page. Type in the desired page number and press the keyboard Enter key.
The second text box allows you to define the items per page. Type in the desired number of items per page and press the Enter key.
Add and Edit Terms
Additional pages, menus and controls are available to authorized visitors who are permitted to edit and add terms.
Sign in
Click on the green sign in icon or the Sign In link at the top right corner of any page and provide your credentials.